
The Human-Data Interaction Lab is a virtual ITU lab comprised of about fifteen faculty members, Postdocs, PhD students, and Master students. Although mostly a virtual lab, we occupy the small physical presence between our offices situated in the 4D corridor in the ITU main building.

Members of the lab see a need for a technical, hands-on approach to the are of Human-Data Interaction. This presents a concrete and tangible approach to working with data, for potential students and external stakeholders. Thus, we focus on understanding how people (including the society at large) work with data and how we might better support them in doing so, rather than asking how data is part of society and the challenges presented by that question. However, many lab members see a connection between the concrete work with data, and the larger threads of how data permeates society at large.

The lab provides a platform for students and faculty to meet to discuss and collaborate on topics related to how people work with data, the technologies people use when working with data, and the tools that might be created to better support this.


We occupy the small physical presence between our offices situated in the 4D corridor in the ITU main building.

Our lab space facilitaties day-to-day interactions with students, working on interactive data prototypes, doing empirical lab studies, and discussing matters related to humans, data, and interaction. We also organize small demo sessions, presentations, and study group meetings during outside hours targeted towards interested students, collaborators, and other visiting stakeholders.


The HDIlab is comprised of about fifteen faculty members, Postdocs, PhD students, and Master students.

Most of the students affiliated with the lab is doing research-based projects or thesis work. The lab serves as a hub for people to exchange ideas and to collaborate. Additionally, we occasionally organize talks and other extracurricular activities for students centered around the focus areas of the lab.


Organisation of activities

  • Weekly data hacking activities hosted by our student assistant. All students are welcome!
  • Company presentations. For example, we have continual dialogue with Inviso – a company specializing in data analysis services with a strong focus on visualization – to create ways for them to interact with students for mutual benefit.
  • Guest lectures by visiting researchers

For more information, please contact HDIlab.